
Ayesha's Blog

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“Field Management”

19 June

“Field Management” by Chris Adams, is a new play written for HIV Voices commissioned by Hugh Wyld.

On 16th June 2016, HIV voices was presented as part of ‘Second | Half” – a season of performances hosted by Antic Face at the Tristan Bates Theatre.

“Field Management” is a brand new voice for our HIV Voices collective. We: Paul Adeyefa, Eve Hedderwick-Turner, and I, broke the mould and appeared together on stage – usually HIV Voices is a solo performer affair. Although still speaking monologues (which is how the HIV Voices pieces have been done so far), the play was constructed to look at managing different conditions, HIV positive, diabetes and high cholesterol. We were all surprised and in our research, got to new understandings. For myself, playing a hetrosexual woman having HIV positive status, in 2012 there was an exhibition called “Stand Tall, Get Snapped” presenting  hetrosexual women living with HIV positive status and sharing their experience of never in their life expecting it to happen. These women are inspiring, the article is strengthening and positive. The truth is, it can happen to anyone and the truth is, there should be oneness and no fields to manage.

I love our HIV Voices project because we learn, raise money, and get to be part of a proud community. Thank you to our glorious leader, Hugh Wyld. Bringing us all TOGETHER. 



Ayesha Casely-Hayford, Paul Adeyefa, and Eve Hedderwick-Turner in "Field Management" by Chris Adams, dir. Hugh Wyld



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