Bikes Bags and Being Alive
I’ve spent the weekend at the Orbital Brompton Bike Festival.
This included watching the Brompton Bike World Champion Race – random, yes, but what an awesome weekend!
The reason I was there was to help my friend sell her fashion cycling bags for her company, the Michaux Club. We camped over night and sold bags during the day – a true power team.
Despite the whizz whizz of all the bikes and the buzz buzz of constantly engaging with people as we tried to make sales, what I took away from the weekend was a sense of calm. Surrounded by nature and camping during thunder and lightening I was able to stay earthed and live happily in the now!
On 18th July my latest acting venture, “Silent Disco”, was officially entered into the Virgin Media Short Film Competition. While I wait for a copy that I can post on here, here is the winner of the 2011 competition. It is quite apt for my weekend experience of getting on and living today since anything could happen tomorrow…
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