
Ayesha's Blog

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Woman – free and undefined

12 August

I was born in London in the 80s.

I later went to school in Kent where I got into an all-girl’s grammar school and was brought up by my mum. At school we were brought up to believe we could do and be anything. I went to university and did exactly what I wanted to do. But as I hit the workplace I remember my female boss telling me all sorts of things including how it was frowned upon for women to wear trousers at work during the 90s – not so long ago. I could not imagine that happening to me, not quite the working world my school teachers prepared me for. 

Sometimes you have to fight hard to be heard. I live through example,  a woman – free and undefined. I love seeing women across the globe doing the the same. Palestine, where, stereotypically, women are culturally subservient to men and family  –  but car racing women in Palestine, talk about free and undefined.  Presenting the Speed Sisters – the first all women motor-racing team in the Middle East, love these women:

Speed Sister Trailer (in Production) from SocDoc Studios on Vimeo.


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