
Ayesha's Blog

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Di Baci bisous kissy kiss kiss

08 February

My brother will be closing his eyes and turning away from the screen  –  I have been kissing again in my films and he hates it, poor boy. 

My last short film “Mama’s Boy” in which I play the girlfriend of the lead is now complete, mwah.

On the back of this, I’m doing my first feature film. It’s being produced by Blackstone Valentine. The call sheet came through last night and I’m due on set on Tuesday – let’s do dis.

My recent films have been quite depressing and my new feature film is no different, it being a psychological thriller…my cinema trips to see 12 Years A Slave and Inside Llewyn Davis have also been a far-stretch from encouraging belly laughs. Fantastic films and I enjoyed them both but yeah…intense.

In times like these, always revert to a bit of Curb to keep life in balance:

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