Solo Reflections
It’s been a few weeks since my performance in Claire Dowie’s “Adult Child Dead Child” at The LOST Theatre as part of the 3rd Face to Face Festival of Solo Theatre.
Colin Watkeys has put together a company of actors, which includes me. We’re performing alongside Claire, inspired by her energy and then trying to make each of our sections of the Adult Child Dead Child story our own. Solo performers, working together to tell one story – it’s new territory – looking at new and exciting ways to bring solo theatre to audiences.
Solo theatre rides the energy of the audience. There is nowhere to hide. One person on the stage and that person has full responsibility for making sure the audience knows what’s going on – if the performer goes down, the audience goes down. But when we fly, we’re all way up beyond the stars. If done right, the audience doesn’t miss or wish for any other presence on the stage, except the solo performer.
From the first performance and launch of Adult Child Dead Child in July and September to the main festival performance on 6th October 2014 – we are now snowballing. We’ve begun on a journey and united we are continuing. Our next stop is at the award-winning fringe theatre “Upstairs at Three and Ten” in Brighton on 21st November 2014. Then back to London in January and hopefully off to Germany as the summer approaches – “Adult Child Dead Child” is going on tour – lots more of opportunities to catch us and Claire in Claire’s amazing, award-winning & renowned solo theatre play.
If you missed us at the festival, here are reviews from Theatre critic James Waygood and his chats with Claire, Colin and myself. Have a watch and then come and experience Adult Child Dead Child for yourself:
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